St. Patrick Catholic Church

Saint Patrick Catholic Church
A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington

139 West Main St. | Mt. Sterling, KY 40353
859-498-0300 |
Serving Christ and His People Since 1868
<--Check Out the Youth Group Facebook Page
Youth Faith Formation
Diapers for the Montgomery County HANDS Program - CCD classes will collect diapers and wipes during the Spring session in support of the Montgomery County Health Access Nurturing Development Services (HANDS). HANDS is a home visiting program for pregnant moms to be and new parents that supports all areas of a baby’s development. The class that collects the most items will be rewarded with a class party at the end of April.
In The News - Updated 10 Nov 2016
Camping with Fr. Frank!!! What a FANTASTIC EVENT - Fr. Frank and a group of Parish adult chaperones accompanied the middle and high school youth group on a journey to St. Meinrad Archabbey and the Immaculate Conception Monastery Saturday, 5 Nov 2016. Afterwards, they spent a night camping at O'Bannon Woods state park in Corydon Indiana complete with camp fire, grilled hotdogs, and s'mores. To find out what you missed out on, ask some of your classmates about the trip and what they learned. Pictures from the trip can be found HERE
Children's Choir: We enjoyed the music of our new children's choir under the direction of Susan Drennen and Kathy Roussos . They sang after communion a Latin song, Dona Nobis. Practice for children's is on Wednesdays at 6pm in the church.

CCD Food Drive: Our First CCD food drive collected 144 items for the M and M food pantry. Mrs. Comer and Mrs. Sanders 3rd and 4th grade class brought in the most donations which has won them a small class party. We have a new food drive starting this Sunday and running through the last class in December before Christmas break
Children's choir: First practice will be Wednesday October 12 at 6 pm in the Parish Hall. Come join us and make some noise!
Children's faith formation classes start back Sunday, September 18th at 9 am. We have classes for pre school thru 12th grade. If you were unable to come to open house, you can still register. We are looking forward to a great year. We encourage parents to drop by and see what we are learning anytime.
New this year: The classes will be collecting items for the M and M food Pantry with a target item requested each month. A prize will be awarded to the class that collects the most each month. Septembers item is canned fruit and peanut butter. Even young children can participate in this corporal work of mercy by saving their change to pick out and purchase a canned good of their choosing to help our neighbors in need.